Wintersonne variety produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Golden Beetroot at home or on your allotment.
Barlotto Di Fuoco variety produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Dwarf Beans at home or on your allotment.
Sweet Genovese microgreen variety produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Basil at home or in a greenhouse.
Wild German variety produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Chamomile at home or on your allotment.
Produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Lemon Balm at home or on your allotment.
Red Veined Sorrel variety produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Sorrel at home or on your allotment.
Peppermint variety of Mint produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Mint at home or on your allotment.
Monarch variety produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Celeriac at home or on your allotment.
Tetra variety of Dill produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Dill at home or on your allotment.
Oriental leaf produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Oriental Ruby Streaks at home or on your allotment.
Clementine variety produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Tomatoes at home or on your allotment.
Lambs Lettuce variety produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Lambs Lettuce at home or on your allotment.
Jack Be Little variety produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Squash at home or on your allotment.
Black Cherry variety produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Tomatoes at home or on your allotment.
Treviso variety produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Chicory at home or on your allotment.
Monarch variety produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Celeriac at home or on your allotment.
Scarlet Emperor variety produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Runner Beans at home or on your allotment.
Long Purple variety produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Aubergine at home or on your allotment.
Produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Tomatoes at home or on your allotment.
Produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Beans at home or on your allotment.
Produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Squash at home or on your allotment.
Produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Carrots at home or on your allotment.
Produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Beetroot at home or on your allotment.
Produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Tomatoes at home or on your allotment.
Produced Organically so that you can grow Organic Chard at home or on your allotment.
Wild flowers bring an added vibrancy to all gardens, and provide Bees with the food they need to thrive. 8 native British wild flower varieties in every pack!