Organic Squash Jack Be Little Seeds


Seeds Organically produced in Cornwall. Probably the smallest pumpkin but the tastiest too. Cricket ball sized fruits which can be boiled or roasted and served whole. They are also ideal for stuffing. They are best picked and eaten fresh, they do not store for more than a few weeks.

  • 10 seeds per packet average
  • Sow April-May


Sow the seeds into large modules of good organic Seed & Cutting compost between April and May.

Once the seedlings have become small plants of about 5 cm high, pot them up into 8cm pots using a richer Multi-Purpose compost and ensure they’re kept warm. To do this take a large plug of the starter compost with the seedling to ensure as little root damage happens in the process.

Harden off and plant into the growing site after all danger of frost has passed. Plant at a distance of at least 90cm. Keep watered if the weather is dry after planting.
The vines are vigorous with large leaves. Yellow trumpet flowers appear and the pollination between male and female flowers is done by bees and other insects.

Allow only a few pumpkins to mature per plant and cut off any over-vigorous trailing stems beyond the forming fruits.

In late summer raise the fruits onto a brick or large stone if you can to aid ripening and avoid rotting.
Harvest pumpkins when ready from October to November and before the first frosts.

Pests and diseases:
Pumpkins are easy to grow and we find they do not suffer from many pests and diseases. Slugs can be problem at planting out and you may have to protect the young plants with environmentally friendly slug protection such as Magic Mulch.

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