Organic Celeriac Monarch


Seeds Organically produced in Cornwall. Monarch is a large and heavy tankard-shaped celeriac with exceptionally white and firm flesh. It has a mild and nutty taste and stores very well.

  • 250 seeds per packet average
  • Sow February to April


Grow in miscellaneous section of your rotation.
Seeds can be sown in trays or modules from February to April into a quality Seed & Cutting compost and will need a temperature of around 18°C.

Pot up when the first true leaves form taking a full plug of the starter compost and transfer into a richer compost. Grow on until ready to plant out in April or May.

Harden off and plant 30cm apart so that the base of the plant is just above soil level. This will produce the swollen stem.

Keep well-watered and harvest between July and October. At the end of the season you can lift any plants you have left. Trim the leaves and roots and store until needed.

Pests and diseases:
Celeriac is pretty trouble-free and we find it does not suffer particularly from any pests or diseases.

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