Organic Runner Beans Scarlet Emperor


Seeds Organically produced in Cornwall. Scarlet Emperor is a heritage variety which has been popular for many years. The pods are slightly rougher than the more modern varieties and not as uniform but the taste is very highly regarded; excellent and sweet.

  • 30 seeds per packet average
  • Sow April – May


Start the seed off in 8 cm pots or deep modules in April undercover using a quality Seed & Cutting Compost, or plant them direct into the growing site in May using a quality Top Soil.

Prepare the site by forking over the soil. Dig a trench about 30cm deep and fill it with a Top Soil and Multi-Purpose or Fruit & Veg Compost mixed up together for best results. Runner beans like a moist, rich soil. Plant the seeds 3cm deep and allow 15cm between.

Remember to harden off plants that have been grown undercover to acclimatise them to outside conditions and plant them out at the same distance. Pinch out the growing tips when the plants reach the top of their supports.

Harvest runner beans from July onwards when the beans are young and tender. Pick regularly to encourage production and before the beans inside swell and the pods become stringy.

Pests and diseases:
Runner beans are prone to slug damage when young so use Magic Mulch around the base of the maturing plants to fend of slugs. Arrange the Mulch in a donut form so that it does not touch the young plant or its leaves. Blackfly can be a problem. We sometimes wash them off with a hosepipe but prefer to leave them for the beneficial insects like ladybirds and their larvae.

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