Organic Chicory (Treviso Type) 206TT


Seeds Organically produced in Cornwall. 206 TT is a dark red Treviso type with a large bright white component. It yields uniform compact heads of 18-22 cm height and is ready for harvest 80-90 days after planting.

  • 250 seeds per packet average
  • Sow May – August


For non-forcing types, sow seeds thinly from May to August into well-prepared soil and/or purchase a good Top Soil. Thin to allow 20cm between plants as they grow.
Harvest individual leaves or cut the whole plant when the heart has filled out.

Pests and diseases:
We find that Chicory does not particularly suffer from any pests or diseases.

About Chicory:

There are three main types of Chicory; forcing types like Witloof, Red Chicory (otherwise known as Radicchio) and Sugarloaf types that resemble large-hearted Lettuce.
It is very popular in many European countries but not so widely grown or eaten in the UK due to its bitter taste. Blanching reduces the bitterness and we find its crispness is very welcome in winter salads.

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