Organic Aubergine Long Purple


Seeds Organically produced in Cornwall. Widely grown open pollinated variety that produces a good crop of long, black slender fruits up to 17cm. Feed as you would tomatoes with a good liquid feed.

  • 50 seeds per packet average
  • Sow January to March/April


Sow the seeds in a tray or module of good organic Seed & Cutting compost between January and March/April. They will need a temperature of 18 to 21°C so a small propagator is ideal or use a sunny window sill.

Once the seedlings have become small plants of about 5 cm high, pot them up in a small 8cm pot using a richer Multi-Purpose compost and ensure they’re kept warm. Take a large plug of the starter compost with the seedling to ensure as little root damage happens in the process.

Once they have grown on to about 10 cm tall you can plant them out 3 to a quality deep fill grow bag/planter or into the greenhouse/polytunnel border 60 cm apart. They will need some support and tying in as they grow.

The purple star shaped flowers will appear late Spring followed by the small immature fruits. As the fruits grow feed with a good organic liquid feed.

Cut the fruits when they are about 17 cm long, firm, and shiny. You should get 3 to 5 fruits per plant.

Pests and diseases:
Plants grown undercover can suffer with whitefly and aphids. They can be treated with environmentally friendly insecticides or biological controls.

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