Here at RocketGro we are completely Peat-Free, but you may be wondering why we are Peat-Free? You also may have heard that the Horticultural industry is making big moves to make compost availability Peat Free only by 2024, so why is this happening?
The big answer to this is the environmental damage that is caused by harvesting peat that is irreversible over a human life timescale. Peat is formed over thousands of years, and this means the farming of peat is extremely bad for our environment, bio-diverse habitats and ecosystems.
The Peat bogs also play a crucial role in the Carbon cycle. Peat bogs in good condition offer significant nature-based solution to climate change. Peatlands are capable of absorbing and storing large amounts of carbon dioxide. Our actions, harvesting the peat bogs for horticultural use will turn these carbon reservoirs into carbon sources which will affect our environment.
The government have announced that the sale of Peat to amateur gardeners will be banned in 2024, making the 2023 gardening season the perfect time to turn to Peat Free gardening and learning how to use Peat-free composts in your gardening and growing your own activities. By choosing to go peat-free you are helping to save peatbogs and peatland all over the UK & Europe.
Here at RocketGro we are working hard to bring you and excellent range of Peat-free composts for you to use in your gardens, allotments and for any growing needs.
Our range now consists of 13 excellent products:
- Seed & Cutting
- Multipurpose
- Container & Basket
- Soil improver
- Magic Mulch
- Fruit & Veg
- Ericaceous
- Tree & Shrub
- Beds & Borders
- Lawn Feed
- Tomato planters
- Liquid Feed
We asked our director Toby and RocketGrowers Steph and George to give their take on the importance of going peat-free.
Toby – RocketGro (Co-Founder)
Why do you think it’s important for the gardening industry to go peat free and what is RocketGro doing to support the Peat Free campaign?
Climate change and the human impact on the countryside and natures habitats are two worrying and growing concerns that we all play a part in just by existing.
Unfortunately, the extraction of Peat for fuel and for growing and gardening over the past decades encapsulates both and contributes to both.Therefore, it has to stop and quite rightly the complete ban on Peat extraction is now inevitable.
Here at RocketGro we have always been a Peat-Free business and despite being in the heart of the Somerset countryside and only miles away from Peat ‘farms’, we have never considered using Peat in our products.
Instead RocketGro have invested heavily in developing alternative growing media products, sourcing viable and effective alternative substrates, only 100% sustainable substrates, and all from the West country, therefore keeping our carbon footprint to a minimum.
At the heart of our Organic product range is the belief that we can get great results by being inventive, taking time, being patient, and protect the environment at the same time. Our business runs on 100% renewable energy, the plastic we use is made as much as possible from already used polymer, our compost bags are made down the road in Southampton, and we use local suppliers and operate best practice on our farm at all times.
RocketGro gives consumers a genuine alternative to Peat, and a top of its class Peat-Free range of products.’
Steph – RocketGrower
Why is it important for you as a garden/allotment holder to go Peat Free?
As gardeners not only do we want lovely gardens and bountiful fresh food harvests, but we also want to do our bit in looking after Mother Earth. By going peat free we are helping to do just that. It has been shown that peat is not needed to grow strong, healthy plants. I’ve been growing with RocketGro peat-free composts for over a year and the results have always been super, and all without peat! Let’s all do our bit in looking after the planet and go Peat-Free.
George – RocketGrower
Why is it important for you as a garden/allotment holder to go Peat-Free?
I’ve lived at the foothills of the Pennines all my life, it’s fair to say I’m totally obsessed with the moors. As gardeners we all have a responsibility to protect what we need and what we love. Peat, that blackened boggy earth is really the only reason the moors are the way they are. For such a simple material, it’s one that’s sought after in the horticultural world. Whilst I’m fully aware that peat isn’t taken from upland moorland – it’s actually extracted from lowland bogs – it isn’t something that you can just create, it takes thousands of years to make. When Dad started work on our wildlife garden, 16yrs ago, he made a decision then, to garden organically for wildlife and to only ever use peat-free compost. Using RocketGro peat-free compost means we are conserving such important ecosystems, whilst also enjoying our gardens. RocketGro is sustainable, organic and a fantastic peat-free product, for me, it’s just win, win!
Here at RocketGro we are 100% Peat Free, natural and made locally in Somerset in the UK. Our products are not only great for the garden but great for the environment too. We are free from animal products and are Soil association approved. The peat Free Movement is here and RocketGro are here to support it!