Peat-Free Natural Magic Mulch 750L+ Bulk Bag



Delivered in a bulk bag on a pallet using a small 7.5 or bigger 18.5 tonne lorry with drop down tail lift. We cannot deliver using a lorry mounted crane.

Our Peat-Free garden mulch, known as Magic Mulch is perfect for gardeners wanting to supercharge the health of their garden. Magic Mulch is a soil conditioner, weed suppressant, natural slug repellent, mulch, and natural fertiliser, rich in N:P:K (4.4-2.3-5.6) bio-available micro-nutrients for superior yield and growth. No Dig & spread it over your flower beds, veg beds & borders and let the organic goodness slowly feed your soil for  at least 3 months. Your beds will look great and the Mulch will protect plants roots and nourish your plants. Yes you can use this product around Ericaceous plants.

Delivery detail:

  • Bulk bag will be sent on a pallet by 72 hour express courier.
  • Customer will be called or emailed on delivery day/day before by courier company to make sure time is convenient.
  • Will travel on a lorry so access needs to be good.
  • Dropped by tail lift and moved into required position by pallet pusher.
  • Cannot be moved over a loose gravel drive.


Key Benefits:

  • 100% bad chemical-free and peat-free
  • 100% Soil Association Approved Organic
  • Slugs do not like this and will stay away
  • A great weed suppressant
  • Product is 100% weed seed free
  • Bio ready nutrients Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc
  • Excellent water retention properties, saves water in the summer
  • Boosts the structure of your soil
  • A clay buster
  • Worm friendly. They love it!

Other options

Peat-Free Natural Magic Mulch 50L


Peat-Free Natural Magic Mulch 50L – 20 Bags (£8 per bag)


Peat-Free Natural Magic Mulch 50L × 20

Our Peat-Free garden mulch, known as Magic Mulch is perfect for gardeners wanting to supercharge the health of their garden. Magic Mulch is a soil conditioner, weed suppressant, slug repeller, mulch, and natural fertiliser, rich in N:P:K (4.4-2.3-5.6) bio-available micro-nutrients for superior yield and growth. No Dig & spread it over your beds & borders and let the organic goodness slowly feed your soil for 3 months. Your beds will look great and the Mulch will protect and nourish your plants and soil. Top dress pots to save your plants from slug attacks! Use all year round. Not for use up against young plugs or young seedlings. No problem using before bulbs come through. And yes, you can use it around Ericaceous plants.

Key Benefits:

  • 100% chemical-free and peat-free
  • 100% Soil Association Approved Organic
  • Slugs really don't like it!
  • A great Weed & Lichen Suppressant
  • 100% weed seed free
  • Bio ready nutrients Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc
  • Excellent water retention properties
  • Boost the structure of your soil
  • Worm friendly, they love it!

Peat-Free Natural Magic Mulch 50L – 30 Bags (£7 per bag)


Peat-Free Natural Magic Mulch 50L × 30

Our Peat-Free garden mulch, known as Magic Mulch is perfect for gardeners wanting to supercharge the health of their garden. Magic Mulch is a soil conditioner, weed suppressant, slug repeller, mulch, and natural fertiliser, rich in N:P:K (4.4-2.3-5.6) bio-available micro-nutrients for superior yield and growth. No Dig & spread it over your beds & borders and let the organic goodness slowly feed your soil for 3 months. Your beds will look great and the Mulch will protect and nourish your plants and soil. Top dress pots to save your plants from slug attacks! Use all year round. Not for use up against young plugs or young seedlings. No problem using before bulbs come through. And yes, you can use it around Ericaceous plants.

Key Benefits:

  • 100% chemical-free and peat-free
  • 100% Soil Association Approved Organic
  • Slugs really don't like it!
  • A great Weed & Lichen Suppressant
  • 100% weed seed free
  • Bio ready nutrients Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc
  • Excellent water retention properties
  • Boost the structure of your soil
  • Worm friendly, they love it!

Peat-Free Natural Magic Mulch 50L – 50 Bags (£6.40 per bag)


Peat-Free Natural Magic Mulch 50L × 50

Our Peat-Free garden mulch, known as Magic Mulch is perfect for gardeners wanting to supercharge the health of their garden. Magic Mulch is a soil conditioner, weed suppressant, slug repeller, mulch, and natural fertiliser, rich in N:P:K (4.4-2.3-5.6) bio-available micro-nutrients for superior yield and growth. No Dig & spread it over your beds & borders and let the organic goodness slowly feed your soil for 3 months. Your beds will look great and the Mulch will protect and nourish your plants and soil. Top dress pots to save your plants from slug attacks! Use all year round. Not for use up against young plugs or young seedlings. No problem using before bulbs come through. And yes, you can use it around Ericaceous plants.

Key Benefits:

  • 100% chemical-free and peat-free
  • 100% Soil Association Approved Organic
  • Slugs really don't like it!
  • A great Weed & Lichen Suppressant
  • 100% weed seed free
  • Bio ready nutrients Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc
  • Excellent water retention properties
  • Boost the structure of your soil
  • Worm friendly, they love it!

Peat-Free Natural Magic Mulch 50L – 70 Bags (£5.83 per bag)


Peat-Free Natural Magic Mulch 50L × 70

Our Peat-Free garden mulch, known as Magic Mulch is perfect for gardeners wanting to supercharge the health of their garden. Magic Mulch is a soil conditioner, weed suppressant, slug repeller, mulch, and natural fertiliser, rich in N:P:K (4.4-2.3-5.6) bio-available micro-nutrients for superior yield and growth. No Dig & spread it over your beds & borders and let the organic goodness slowly feed your soil for 3 months. Your beds will look great and the Mulch will protect and nourish your plants and soil. Top dress pots to save your plants from slug attacks! Use all year round. Not for use up against young plugs or young seedlings. No problem using before bulbs come through. And yes, you can use it around Ericaceous plants.

Key Benefits:

  • 100% chemical-free and peat-free
  • 100% Soil Association Approved Organic
  • Slugs really don't like it!
  • A great Weed & Lichen Suppressant
  • 100% weed seed free
  • Bio ready nutrients Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc
  • Excellent water retention properties
  • Boost the structure of your soil
  • Worm friendly, they love it!



Detailed Information

Our naturally produced Magic Mulch is a 100% chemical free natural garden mulch, produced in Somerset, & the fibre by-product of our gas and electricity production that farmers call digestate. The composting down biodegrading process used to generate the gas at our anaerobic digestion facility, enriches the fibre with high levels of N:P:K, microbes, and natural nutrients. Farmers across the region have been spreading our digestate liquid and fibre on their land for years, as an eco-friendly, natural fertiliser which has proved as effective as chemical fertiliser without the negatives that using chemicals have for nature and wildlife.

Using Our magic mulch

When using Magic Mulch as a no dig surface mulch, we recommend adding a layer evenly spread over the surface of your soil, at about one inch thickness, and not to heavily pile up the Mulch around the base of your plants. Create a 'donut' ring/space around the base of the plant. One bag should give you around 10SqFt of coverage.
Freshly spread Magic Mulch is too rich for contact with freshly planted seedlings or delicate salads. This is not a problem after a few weeks, but initially the Mulch is too rich for this type of planting. Also, the Mulch should not be used as a compost alternative and planted straight into.
Blending it with potting compost is a great way to add nutritional value to your potting mix, but as a blend only, not 100% Mulch. If using in a poly tunnel or green house make sure you put it onto the beds on a cool day with the doors open and good ventilation, and open the bags the day before use so they can 'breathe'.



Soil Association


We are Trusted

We’re approved by the Soil Association – this means our products are of the highest possible standards of animal welfare, environmental and wildlife protection. The Soil Association standards are the most widely used, recognised and trusted Organic standards. Therefore we are approved for Organic growers.

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