Ocean Plastic Pots


Beautiful pots that can be filled with compost or soil and planted straight into, or used to put a potted up plant straight into. Each one comes complete as a set, with a saucer, these eye catching pots are great for house plants or for use outside as they are UV resistant. Choose from 4 attractive colours; Blue, Green, Orange and Yellow.

The plastic used to make these durable pots is collected from the sea, is discarded waste, and is collected and then re processed to make these 100% recycled pots. For example, the navy blue pots come from rope collected at Dunbar Harbour, south of Edinburgh and the orange come from rope collected in Inverness. The perfect gift, or treat to self!

Saucer Width


Can an Ocean Plastic Pot be used inside or outside?

Ocean Plastic Pots are UV resistant and frost proof and can be used inside or outside.

Can I plant directly into my new Ocean Plastic Pot?

Ocean Plastic pots can be planted directly into as a grow pot or used as an over pot.

Are they made from 100% waste plastic?

100% waste rope and fishing net is used to make these Plant Pots

Where are they made in the UK?

Ocean Plastic Pots are manufactured in Scotland.

Can my Ocean Plastic Pot be recycled again?

There is only one type of plastic polymer, PP, to make these plant pots. They can be recycled again please see your local authority guidance on PP recycling in your area.

Where does the colour of my Ocean Plastic Pot come from?

The colour of your Ocean Plastic Pot comes from the colour of the rope and fishing net recycled to make them.

Will the colour match exactly the colours in the product photos?

No. It will be a close match, but each production run has slight variations from the last because of the rope and fishing net collected being slightly different each time.

Where does the Rope and Fishing Net to make the pots come from?

There is a collection programme at several Scottish ports supported by the Ocean recovery project, for rope and net. They are also collected through partnership with beach cleaning Groups and recycling old mooring rope diverted from landfill.

Do they have a hole in the bottom?

Ocean Plastic Pots have a hole in the bottom.

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